china's top 10 scientific breakthroughs in 2021
a chinese research team created the world's first soft robot that can be operated 10,000 meters under the ocean's surface.
march 3, 2022
zhejiang university technology allows snowboarding in summer
researchers from the prestigious zhejiang university in hangzhou, zhejiang province have made possible the training of chinese snowboarders with cutting-edge technology.
february 10, 2022
zhejiang laboratory's article published in science
an article by tan dezhi's team from the yuhang-based zhejiang laboratory, was published in science, one of the world's top academic journals.
january 26, 2022
young trend riders: motion capture technicians
motion capture technicians and actors that use motion capture technology to animate characters in virtual spaces have been emerging in the country.
january 12, 2022
zhejiang university scholars release 2 superconducting quantum chips
a research team from zhejiang university released the mogan-1 and tianmu-1 superconducting quantum chips on dec 17, marking a new milestone in the development of zhejiang province's quantum technologies.
december 27, 2021
chinese underwater acoustic communication machine achieves long-distance transmission
a chinese-made underwater acoustic communication machine has achieved long-distance transmission at a high rate.
december 23, 2021
big data is how china caught illegal tax evasion of streamers
big data technologies helped local tax administrators find the illegal tax evasion activities of e-commerce livestreamers.
december 22, 2021
drone delivery on duty in tonglu
residents of three mountainous villages in fuchunjiang town, tonglu county, hangzhou can now have items delivered to their homes.
december 20, 2021